Tech: the school of engineers and teachers. However, the Tech Pre-Teaching experience is continuing to grow in both size and interest, much to the pleasure...
Students contribute to “beautifying” campus
On Saturday, March 29, Tech students awoke bright and early to volunteer their time and efforts to the sixteenth annual Tech Beautification Day (TBD). While...
A year in review of Highland Bakery
Late last March, one of the newest Tech dining facilities turned one: Highland Bakery, located under Tech Tower. Since its opening, the location has received...
Washington elite becomes Tech professor
After spending years in Washington and additional years teaching, Peter Swire has joined the Scheller College of Business as the Nancy J. and Lawrence P....
Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses Tech and TV
Technique: You gave lectures on astronomy as a teen; how do those lectures compare to the one you are going to give at Tech tonight?...
Women’s Awareness kicked off with service
The month of March is coming to a close, but featured numerous activities hosted by the Women’s Resource Center in celebration of Women’s Awareness Month...
Student-made app on the rise
Those at the New York Times and Louis Vuitton have touted it. Even more, it has been heralded as a competitor to Google. Talk Lingo...
Fencing hosts successful tournament
Stabbing is not usually condoned on Tech’s campus, but there is one exception: the Fencing Club. Tech’s Fencing Club was founded in 2009 and now...
Tech professor offers the gift of drumming
For many amputees, the change is lifestyle can be drastic and severely limit a person’s ability to continue the same activities they once performed. For...
Tech grad student invents better 3D printer
An Iron Man mask, a 20-sided die, an iPhone case and a stretchy bracelet. What do these seemingly unrelated items have in common? They were...
Tech’s non-tenure track faculty
It is in the nature of higher education for schools to interview and select faculty members that will do their very best in making that...
Inside look at the Air Force ROTC
It’s “the most fun you never want to have again,” according to third-year ME major and cadet Ryan Doll. From drill, marching and Field Training...
A day in the life of Nick Picon
Finishing AE and CS homework in the middle of the night, attending the fraternity’s formal, teaching prospective students about Tech. All of these activities on...
SCPC’s Options Classes
Students have the option of becoming wine connoisseurs and rock stars in a matter of weeks. There are hundreds of these options classes at Tech....
Professor’s potentially live-saving breakthrough
When it comes to the modern field of medicine, the so-called War on Cancer is a daily battle in which thousands of researchers work worldwide...
EveryBody Week raises students’ awareness
Since 2007, the Georgia Tech Body Image Committee has sponsored the Campaign for EveryBody Week in conjunction with the National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Eating...
Campus Closet helps students compete
They perfect their resume, send in their application, get the call for an interview and then it hits them—they don’t have a suit. Campus Closet...
Campus Spotlight: Courtney Widjaja
While most left behind the cubby holes, sticky desks and blackboards of elementary school as soon as the greener pastures of middle school beckoned, Courtney...