Sadie Betz, 21 years old, of Dunwoody, Georgia passed away on Friday, June 9, 2023 at 8:52 p.m after a deadly collision in a parking...
Media responsibility: consensus opinion
What should news companies put on the front page? In light of the recent Titan submersible implosion and its widespread coverage, we at the Technique...
The Dodgers Made the Right Call
In a sport defined by making the call, a tough one had to be made at Dodgers Stadium. Only this one had nothing to do...
To be Loved is to be Feared: Queerness and Horror Art
Nothing is more feared than a love we don’t understand. This simple truth has defined the LGBTQIA+ community’s relationship with art for centuries, as queerness...
Rainbow Capitalism
As we enter Pride Month, we at the Technique editorial board wish to discuss the phenomenon of rainbow capitalism, which has become very prevalent in...
Beat the Campus Slump
When the spring semester comes to its abrupt end after finals and most students head back to their hometowns or to study abroad, Tech’s campus...
‘I love you.’ Will you say it back to me?
A few weeks ago, I visited home for spring break. While it’s only a 20-minute drive away, the radio silence between my family and me...
Learn lessons the hard way
It seems fitting that I should end my tenure at the Technique, and at Tech, in the same manner that I started it: procrastinating, and...
Letter to the editor: mental health at Tech
When GT CARE opened on Aug. 19, 2019, over 40 students showed up. The next day, over 80 came and by the end of that...
Seeking validation can lead to your demise
As I stared at the bland tannish manila-colored walls of my 168-square foot Harrison 314 room, thoughts of uncertainty filled my mind. “Do I belong...
Finding my home in numbers and words
My freshman year at Tech, I floated from class to the dining hall to my dorm feeling like my life at college was empty and...
The best of the Institute
Going into the end of the academic year, we on the Technique Editorial Board acknowledge that our consensus pieces veer on the more critical side,...
The extraversion paradox
To most onlookers, it may seem easy to be the opinionated and outspoken character in a group. This individual stands out from the crowd, their...
An imposter among us: a tale of belonging
Since my first day on campus, I have felt like a bit of a traitor. I came to Tech my sophomore year through the Conditional...
The Stinger buses need to be more consistent
I come from the greater Boston area. We lived one hour outside of the city, and before the Covid-19 pandemic, my mom would have to...
Advice: make the effort
Eight semesters over four years at Tech, including a year in the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, will teach anyone a lot. A change of...
Should we be concerned with the rapid development of AI technology?
In light of the recent open letter penned by the Future of Life Institute, an organization funded in part by Elon Musk, we at the...
The lowdown on ‘The Lows’
Art is an important way for us to find the answers to questions that we did not even know we were looking for answers to. ...