Letters to the Editor
When it comes to the article “Tech Major Rank According to Desirability,” you are offending many women in these fields by posting such sexist comments...
Physical education has place at Tech
It is very gratifying to see that Tech intends to restore actual physical education classes. As someone who was a student 40 years ago, when...
Circle K, not Greeks, drive volunteer work
While I am thrilled that the Technique chose to dedicate their “Focus” section to community and worldwide philanthropy based at Tech, I am disappointed that...
Safety statement ignores key details
In last week’s Technique article regarding on-campus concealed carry, President Peterson asked, “… what are the chances that we could actually use that weapon to...
Relying on police insufficient
“John Koch, President of the College Democrats, urged students to keep their faith in GTPD. ‘These are people who have sworn an oath to protect...
Editorial misplaces blame in Penn State case
I feel I must object to the editorial published last week regarding the scandal at Penn State, and the former head coach Joe Paterno’s role...
Treatment of Clemson fan should be expected
Last week, Suzanne Clary wrote a Letter to the Editor entitled “Fans’ attitudes reflect badly on all of Tech,” regarding students’ treatment of her and...
Student behavior appropriate for game
To the fellow Tech student who attended the Clemson game with her brother, what did you expect would happen when you brought a fan of...
Editorial on metal genre misguided, incorrect
Reading Alex Kessler’s “Sidelined music as valid as mainstream” a couple issues back left a bad taste in my mouth. Others in Atlanta’s metal scene...
Fans’ attitudes reflect badly on all of Tech
I love my Yellow Jackets. The school, the team and well, most of the time, the fans. But I must say that I have become...
Stingerette article uninformed, misguided
I am a graduate student at Tech, and I use the Stingerette on an almost daily basis. This letter is regarding the article about Stingerette...
‘T’ thefts strengthen skills, community
Many are concerned this semester by some students’ attitude that a ‘T’ still in possession of its sign must be in want of a new...
Opinion ignores main cause of violence
“However, it’s important to note that the GTPD isn’t the only organization that should attempt to create a culture of safety. The Women’s Resource Center...
T Vandalism could cost cash, donors
My wife (a cheerleader at Tech) and I live in Home Park just north of Tech. Both of us have many relatives who were students...
‘T’ thefts lack innovation, challenge
As a recent graduate of Tech, I’m dismayed that we haven’t properly explained our traditions to the incoming classes. There is only one T worth...
Letters to the Editor
Policy waiver hypocritical of SGA Last week, the Student Government Association (SGA) passed the Joint Allocation to Georgia Tech Night at Woodruff Arts Center. This...
“Remembering 9/11” ignores key points
“Consensus Opinion: Remembering 9/11” compares the past decade to those endured by WWII and Cold-War generations, before concluding “the threat . . . is no longer the driving issue . . . [its] effects . . . diminish over time.” T
BoR deceitful, Junior’s invaluable
BoR deceitful with fee increase As a graduating senior at Tech, tuition and fee increases largely don’t affect me anymore. I also recognize the budget...