Speaking to a combined audience of students, faculty and administrators in the Global Learning Center on Thursday, Sept. 2, Anthony Walesby presented his qualifications and...
Students with smart phones have another reason to gloat this week with the release of the official Georgia Tech application for the Apple iPhone. The...
Each year, when game day rolls around, the Tech campus buzzes with not only numerous fans and tailgaters, but also numerous fans’ and tailgaters’ trash....
On Tuesday, Aug. 31, Institute President G.P. “Bud” Peterson and several administrators rolled out the new strategic plan for the next 25 years of Tech’s...
The men and women of DramaTech Theatre, who “seek to further performing arts on campus and around Atlanta” are looking for other performance-inclined students. To...
Members of Tech’s incoming freshman class did their part to break the Tech bubble on Saturday, Aug 28. Mobilizing Opportunities for Volunteer Experience (MOVE) hosted...
Speckled with students from all parts of the Hispanic culture, the Sixth Annual Latino Welcome Weekend, hosted by the Office of Hispanic Initiatives and Tech’s...
Each morning, a Tech student chooses clothes to wear for the day. This can get complicated, with multiple outfit changes, different styles to choose from,...
The men who made the Ramblin’ Wreck tune a nationally, if not internationally, recognizable fight song are seeking fresh vocals to strike their chords. With...
Within the 200,000 square foot Technology Square Research Building, the Socially Intelligent Machines (SIM) Lab is developing the next revolution in advanced human-machine interaction: robots...
Backpacking through mountain trails, creating a startup company for photobioreactors and participating in undergraduate research are just a few of the interests of the eclectic...
A brilliant rush of fire. A roaring crackle. An inverted mushroom cloud of vapor rushing out in every direction. Under 2.6 million pounds of thrust, Space Shuttle Discovery leapt from her pad beginning her 8.5 minute flight into orbit