Campus Spotlight: Alex Berry

Alex Berry, second-year IE major and Chinese minor, is the sophomore class president for Student Government Association (SGA). An incredibly active student on Tech’s campus,...

Teenage grad student followed passion to Tech

Tesca Fitzgerald has experienced a unique and rapid journey to pursuing a Ph.D in cognitive psychology at age 16. Besides her exceptional academic talent, she has enjoyed her career as a student and an adolescent and is now immersing herself in the Tech lifestyle.

Mr. GT shares experience in the spotlight

Fifth year Stephen Webber's life has always revolved around campus life at Tech, and this homecoming, his efforts were recognized with being crowned as Mr. GT. Skipping the nervousness that usually accompanies the honor, Webber enjoyed the excitement of the title and recognition.
Sliver: your thoughts
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Has the North Ave. Dining Hall Food improved since last year?