Liberty in North Korea, commonly referred to as LiNK, is a large organization with a student-run chapter at Tech whose mission is to raise awareness...
Wherever one seems to look on Tech’s campus, police officers reside day and night. The Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD) serves as the campus police...
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAW) began on Monday, Feb. 26. The primary goal of NEDAW is to educate the public about eating disorders, which...
In the simple words of Socrates in a conversation with the artist Parrhasius, “Painting may be defined as a representation of objects.” This natural representation...
Medical school has been that elusive end goal for many a big-dreaming Tech student. But having aspirations toward sticking unsuspecting randoms with needles and related...
On Wednesday, Feb. 7, members of the Tech community and beyond celebrated Black History Month by attending the Institute’s Fifth Annual Black History Month Lecture...
Several recent domestic and international political events have led to an influx of refugees in nations around the world. It is easy to become isolated...
Tech’s Student Government Association (SGA) plays a key part in the campus community. From daily tasks, like answering student questions and passing bills, to planning...
Adulting is hard. The necessities of laundry and feeding oneself can be overwhelming to many. For many students, college is the first foray into the...
Every semester, thousands of students are introduced to the MATLAB programming language in CS 1371. The course has historically been the low point for a...
The majority of schools in the U.S. do not teach personal finance classes, even though most students would benefit greatly from them. High school graduates...