Letters to the Editor
We are writing to the editor to address one of the “elephants in the room” on our campus: inclusiveness. We, as students, know that one...
Letter to the Editor: Donald Trump
Recently, a critique of Donald Trump was made on the Technique in which several erroneous claims were made regarding the candidate. In this rebuttal, my...
Racism not tolerated on campus
We are dismayed to learn of the racial slurs an African-American student recently endured while walking on campus. Georgia Tech does not condone discriminatory language...
Letter from President Peterson
Campuswide Wellness Initiative Designed to Align Opportunities for Physical, Mental, and Emotional Well-being
Letter to the Editor: Engaging Student’s Service
Georgia Tech’s motto is “Progress and Service.” Our contributions to progress are many. You only need to read the Daily Digest to find stories about...
Letter to the Editor: GTPD
Georgia Tech is fortunate to have more than 80 sworn officers with 10-12 officers —including plainclothes officers —actively patrolling campus by foot, motorcycle, bicycle, car,...
Letter to the Editor: SGA response to Consensus
We, the members of the Executive Cabinet of SGA, feel as though the Technique’s Consensus Opinion last week inaccurately reflects the overall progress that SGA...
Letter to the Editor: Repeal the smoking ban
This semester, the Georgia University Board of Regents decided that the need for securing the lung health of all Georgia public university students should trump...
Letter to the Editor: Men’s role in sexual violence prevention
Men…we need your help. We can be leaders in working to end sexual violence on college campuses. At Tech, we can, and should, be doing...
Poorly chosen article sparks conversation
Thank you for opening discussion on an important topic—the state of affairs in the Middle East as they relate to Israel—in last week’s piece, “Payback...
Career Diversity
I’m approaching my last year at Tech (hopefully), so I’ve started to look into potential employers who want to make use of my degree. Encouraged...
Awareness of farmer’s market necessary
The farmers’ market as of late has become an assemblage of products that students do not need much of. As the recent article stated, the...
CRC accusations unfounded, incorrect
Regarding the article “Report shows accounting errors at CRC,” the allegations made in the article were hasty. Ken Lovic has been an excellent Sport Club...
Streetcar would strengthen campus
Streetcars once crisscrossed our great city, taking riders around downtown to enjoy its commerce and culture, as they did in most large cities in America...
Letter misses point of service
A few weeks ago, the Technique claimed that Greeks head philanthropic efforts at Tech. The next week, a letter to the editor asserted that one...
Anger over Valentine’s article a misunderstanding
I feel as though the author who wrote the letter “Article stereotypes women students” has made a mountain out of a molehill. I read “Majors...
Bragging about service unproductive, unnecessary
Two weeks ago, the Technique claimed that Greeks head philanthropic efforts at Tech. Last week, a letter to the editor asserted that one specific service...
Firearms add only risk, not protection
I have been at Tech for 9.5 years now, from undergrad through my graduate work. I have lived off campus for the past five years,...