In late March, a petition began on to allow pass/fail classes at Tech. The author of the petition, “George Burdell”, cited five reasons why...
Tech Class of 2024 Admission Profile
With a nod to the special number pi, Georgia Tech Admissions released regular admission decisions on March 14 at 1:59 p.m. These admissions brought the...
Tech bids farewell to Student Center
With the future of on-campus instruction being uncertain due to growing coronavirus concerns, the Student Center Programs Council (SCPC) decided to throw together a student...
A timeline of COVID-19 updates
Editor’s Note: This article will be updated as new information becomes available. Wednesday, March 18 Beginning earlier this week, several institutions within the University System...
Coronavirus fears prompts Tech to move towards online instruction
In the wake of the spread of coronavirus closing down many schools around the nation, the University System of Georgia announced that all 26 USG...
Spread of coronavirus leaves students abroad stranded
Editor’s Note: This article will be updated as new information is received. In the midst of rising coronavirus concerns and multiple Level 3 travel advisories...
Elizabeth Loftus exposes the fallacies of memory
On Thursday, Feb. 27, world-renowned cognitive psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Loftus made a visit to Tech’s campus to deliver a lecture in part of the Institute’s...
Technique interviews Georgia senatorial candidates
Before the Democratic senate primary on May 19, the Technique had the opportunity to interview senatorial candidates Jon Ossoff and Theresa Tomlinson about their campaign...
President Cabrera debuts strategic plan draft
Last semester, with the ushering in of Tech’s new president, Angel Cabrera, an all call was put out for students, faculty and everyone in between...
Tech introduces Maymesters
Students looking to attend Georgia Tech’s summer class program will have a new option beginning May 2020: the “Maymester.” This program will offer compact, three...
Space Force General gives lecture in Kendeda
Outside the Kendeda building on Monday, two identical black Chevy Suburbans with government plates were parked in the bus lane, underscoring the fact that a...
Inaction and turnover plague housing
Most freshmen spend a year sleeping, studying and socializing in a small dorm room, sometimes with a stranger for a roommate. After that year, some...
Housing lays off 60+ student staff members
Students have been left in limbo this week, as rumors circulating have alleged that 60 Peer Leader (PL) and Resident Advisor (RA) positions are being...
‘Demystifying Tech’ seminar
This past Thursday, the second seminar in a series known as “Demystifying How Georgia Tech Works” took place in the student center. Presented by the...
Plotkin talks gerrymandering issues
Last Thursday, the college of Biological Sciences kicked of its first Frontier of Science Lecture of 2020 with a lecture by Joshua Plotkin. Plotkin is...
Campus workers rally for improved wages
Last Wednesday, Feb. 5, members of United Campus Workers of Georgia (UCWGA) met at the state capital to rally for improved pay and conditions for...
TedXGeorgiaTech series promotes community
Last Friday, Georgia Tech held its third TedX Talk of the semester as a part of its “Vision” series, which featured nine student speakers over...
Mental health work continues
Mental health has been one of the central focuses of campus debate for the last few years, both in the administration as well as among...