For the seventh year now, Tech’s African American Student Union will host its Black Leadership Conference over the Feb. 19-21 weekend, focusing on their I-Change...
In the past decade, conservation has become a major source of concern when facing the already complex problems posed by healthcare and human development initiatives....
The 2010 Georgia Tech Research and Innovation Conference (gtRIC), formerly known as the Graduate Symposium, took place this past Tuesday, Feb. 8 at the Georgia...
Each spring break since 2007, several dozen of Tech’s Trailblazers—including undergraduates, graduates and post-doctorates —combine outdoors exploration with environmental improvement via trips to national parks...
One of the nation’s renowned computer security experts, Howard Schmidt rejoined the White House payroll as their cybersecurity coordinator, or “cyber czar.” President Obama initially...
Campus weapon control is still on the radar for both the apolitical and outspoken student. At a recent interview with the Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC),...
From Freshmen Leadership Organizations to large-scale class socials, those first weeks of freshman year are chock full of class bonding and opportunity. Tech has even...
The Yellow Jacket Flying Club is perhaps the only club at Tech that casually travels the country on weekends, grills on a mile-long asphalt driveway...
Stephen Colbert once said, “I’ve never trusted the web. How do you hold it personally responsible? Can you put a distributed network of fiber-optic cable...
Early last month the Department of Defense decided to put up party decorations across the country in commemoration of the Internet’s 40th birthday. On Dec.5,...
In 1995, the National Science Foundation (NSF) selected Tech as the head institute to provide leadership in creating models to enhance gender equity in the...