Students who have traveled and lamented the price of a crappy hotel should try Spots. A hybrid between Tinder and Airbnb, the social home-sharing app...
The Georgia Tech Veterans Resource Center is available for student veterans and provides them support for social and academic experiences at Tech. According to Dave...
The first ever Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) InVenture Prize was held at Tech’s very own Ferst Center, televised live on Public Broadcasting Service. There were...
Fourth-year CHBE Missy Pittard lives by the motto her high school volleyball coach had: “Better the ball.” Pittard has been involved with Techlist, SGA, Omicron...
The president of Tech’s Resident Hall Association (RHA), Michaela Bartram is a graduating fourth-year BCHM. Her involvement in RHA started her very first semester at...
When it comes to social media, Tech posts are ahead of the curve. With popular accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Weibo and Google+, Tech can...
During the first time out in women’s basketball game in McCamish Pavillion on Sunday, Feb. 28, Georgia Tech Student Foundation (GTSF) representatives presented checks to...
On March 1, the Georgia Tech Collegiate Panhellenic Council (CPC) announced that Kappa Alpha Theta (KAT) fraternity, more colloquially known as Thetas, have accepted their...
Rosalee Ramer’s average weekend usually involves a round-trip plane ticket and large trucks. The first-year ME typically spends her Thursday nights doing homework on a...
Made up of approximately 15 members, the Georgia Tech Costume Design Community meets every Friday at 4 p.m. in the College of Computing. “Basically we are...
This Saturday, Feb. 20, during the basketball game against Notre Dame social sorority Alpha Xi Delta will be celebrating Coaches Powering Forward along with all...