Opinion Blog
These are the opinions of the student body not on the Technique staff.
I’m writing this feeling very blessed; I know I could be dead. I want to share my story with the hope that Tech takes necessary...
The jeans and a going-out top phenomenon
When Kelly and Chloe wore the same Urban Outfitters dress to the eighth grade dance, it was all anyone could talk about. This gossip had...
Inventing nostalgia: the plot device dominating film
If I could remember the year 2003, I imagine I would feel nostalgic for such a magical time in history. Every “it” girl, from Ashley...
An open letter to the Black community at Tech
This is an open letter to the Black community at Tech. It is Black History Month and I want us to take a critical look...
Built on “Progress and Service”
1961 is the year the first Black students set foot on Tech’s campus, making the Institute the first in the deep south to admit African...
The triumphs and unity of Black excellence at Tech
Eight, a number that represents victory, the number of prosperity and the number of overcoming. Eight, the number of semesters it takes to graduate from...
How AI narratives reflect societal gender norms
Humanity has grown increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence and its ability to serve and satisfy its owners. Just decades ago, devices like Apple’s Siri or...
Valentine’s Day was broken from the very start
Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, relationships and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate filled with mysterious and concerningly foul preserves. There is much to admire...
Why every Tech student should study abroad
When I committed to Tech, I talked to a lot of current students and graduates to learn the ins and outs and to get some...
The advertising ailment: opioids plague advertising
My phone buzzes. I eagerly open it to watch the YouTube video sent to me by my friend. Expecting a minute of laughter, I click...
Beginning to make amends with campus wildlife
Robins chirped and leaves rustled as the four of us sat on a bench outside of East Architecture. We received an assignment of the utmost...
New year, new me: finding resolute resolutions
When I was 16, my grandmother turned to me and demanded I tell her my resolutions for the new year. When I said that I...
Revisiting “Coraline”: Duality in stories for kids
No, it’s not a Tim Burton movie. “Coraline” is a 2009 stop-motion film directed by Henry Selick, based on Neil Gaiman’s novella of the same...
Vaping is “in”: A shift in marketing
Graphic pictures of individuals with head and neck cancer or gruesome close-ups of the mouth are strewn across cigarette packaging, eliciting a natural aversion to...
Surrogacy is a necessary resource
Surrogacy is a practice that has the potential to bring an abundance of happiness and joy to a family. Those who want biologically related children...
Neutrality: demanding better from our leaders
Is time warping? Those older than us can attest to the notion that we are living in strange times. One can scarcely ask someone older...
The commonplace struggle with group projects
I have been working on several group projects this semester, but it hasn’t been an easy process. Some of my groups are great. We communicate...
Fighting political extremism
Extremism has emerged as an underlying threat to American politics, which shines through the democratic processes of the United States. Opposing political parties are often...