Concealed carry open forum
UHR opened its meeting on Tuesday with an open forum regarding the issue of allowing concealed-carry weapon permits at Tech. The forum was an open discussion and not attached to a specific measure, but students filled the meeting hall for the opportunity to voice their opinions about guns on campus.
“Everyone should have the same right to defend themselves on this campus as they do elsewhere in the state,” said Roger Eagar of the Georgia Tech Students for Concealed Carry on Campus.
The group made its presence known, with the majority of those speaking in favor of concealed carry licenses identifying themselves as members. Proponents of allowing weapons on campus tried to clear up misconceptions about concealed carry, emphasizing the fact that only licensed gun owners who are at least 21 would be allowed to carry weapons.
Others expressed unease about the idea of guns on campus, including Junior Rep. Hunter Hammond, who was one of several representatives to speak out against concealed carry licenses.
“Tech is a unique school,” Hammond said. “High stress, high emotions all the time. Before we decide to endorse concealed carry, we should look to see what other options we can take to improve safety on campus.”
Community garden
Students Organizing for Sustainability (SOS) requested over $6000 in funding for a new community garden it plans to build. The group had previously maintained a similar garden behind the Fourth Street Apartments and now wishes to expand the project.
The new garden would be located next to the IC and provide Tech students with the opportunity to learn about sustainable agriculture and help grow crops. Representatives for SOS said that they hoped the garden would be productive and aesthetically pleasing and that the shared responsibility for its maintenance would instill a sense of community among students at Tech.
While representatives seemed overwhelmingly supportive of the idea of the garden, some expressed concerns over the group’s readiness to handle such an ambitious project. SOS members pointed out that they have put months of planning into the project and have already earned the approval of Tech’s Office of Capital Planning and Space.
Ultimately, the bill failed to pass on Tuesday because of discrepancies between the UHR and GSS versions. The two groups will meet in conference committee and pass a final version of the bill next week.