Housing unveils new low-cost options

Several new, low-cost housing options have been added to Tech’s Housing website for students who are looking for comfortable yet affordable places to live. Tents are to be erected in what is currently “Homeless Park,” located across the street from the Weber Building. Housing is estimating that the area will house approximately 200 students. The Burge Apartments, which were demolished, will become the site for open-air loft housing.

“Both locations are extremely convenient relative to the main area of campus,” said Ollie Tabooger, the Housing Czar. “The students will need to be open to sharing their new homes with some of Atlanta’s homeless population. It is a good opportunity for Tech students to expand their community involvement.”

According to the department of Housing’s new website dedicated to the residential housing complex, the new Burge apartments feature “unadulterated, picturesque views” with their “open air confine” feature of the building. As well, RHA plans on placing a new living-learning community where students can “attune themselves to Mother Earth” with lack of electricity, water and other amenities. Students can also immerse themselves in a diverse cultural experience from living in “third world conditions.”

“I think adjusting to living without running water will be pretty easy. I usually only shower once every few weeks, anyways,” said Jeffrey Pour, second-year CS. “Also, I don’t think living with homeless people will be all that bad. I never really thought they smelled.”

The living-learning community, entitled “Third World off North” will feature lectures and seminars from faculty partners each month for its student residents.

“We’re planning to host seminars that give students a real look at culture given our surroundings. These classes will help the students settle into their rooms too, like latrine digging and making fire from trash can,” said Seymour Butts. “We’re really reducing our carbon output this way.

“A few students have expressed concern about what we will do about heating during the winter months. One of the options we’ve come up with is to have a fire-building activity every night where students can both socialize and sustain a normal body temperature,” said Jamie Smell, future RA of Burge Apartments.

Visit Tech’s housing website for more information on these exciting new options.
