Ryan Cameron is amped to be here, literally

Public address announcer Ryan Cameron poses with a Tech football after accepting the opportunity to be the new gameday announcer for the Jackets, starting on Saturday against Georgia State. // Photo courtesy of Georgia Tech Athletics

This might be Ryan Cameron’s first year officially as Tech’s gameday announcer, but he’s far from a newcomer to the Flats. In a press release on Monday, Aug. 26, Cameron was officially named the public address announcer for the Jackets. 

“I’ve been a Georgia Tech fan since the days of [running back] Eddie Lee Ivory, man. I’m not new to this.” said Cameron, as he sits down for an exclusive interview with the Technique. Ivory was a 1978 All-American for the Jackets, so Cameron is not exaggerating when he says he’s been paying attention for a while. However, it would be impossible to view Cameron as just another passionate Tech fan.

Throughout his long career in radio and public address spanning over 25 years, Cameron has held a variety of roles. It all started in a fairly innocuous way — reading the Sunday paper with his grandfather while he was growing up in Atlanta. 

“My grandfather would hand me the paper and ask me to regurgitate what was going on in the sports section,” Cameron said. “That’s how I learned to read because he would ask me, ‘What’s going on with the Braves?’ And I’d have to read it and tell him.” 

Cameron went from reading the news to being the voice of newsworthy events. He got his start as the T-shirt guy for the Hawks in 2001 but was motivated by the perception of the public address announcer. “The NBA did a survey of all the different game elements and the public address guy got a score of zero; … there just wasn’t a lot of excitement and energy. So the basketball team decided to go out and find somebody.” he explained. 

Through a series of unexpected events, Cameron found himself thrust into the spotlight. “It was funny cause one day he was late,” he said, laughing. “And they said that if he wasn’t here in the next five minutes, I’d have to call the game. I was so nervous. I asked them if I should send in a tape and they said that they didn’t have time for that. So my first audition was in a basketball game when we played the Magic in Orlando. I had to catch the bus down there and do it live. It was a real baptism by fire.”

Once he found himself on the mic, Cameron did not look back. From 2004 to 2021, he served as the first African-American announcer in team history. He covered over 700 games and several playoff runs for the Hawks, earning acclaim with his signature call on three-pointers “for threeeeeee!” that turned basketball shots into historical moments. 

“I always love the crowd,” Cameron said, “and the bigger the crowd, the better.” One of his favorite moments from his career was calling the 2021 NBA All-Star Game during the pandemic. “It was really special to be the PA announcer in my hometown and I was trending on Twitter — now X — because of the way that I was calling the game. I did a long intro for LeBron James and people were like ‘How is he holding that for
so long?’  It was awesome.” 

Still, Cameron’s work has gotten noticed beyond reactions on X. He has received two Emmys for his work and was named to both the Georgia Radio Hall of Fame and the National Black Radio Hall of Fame. 

He has used a meticulous game-day routine to achieve his success and plans to bring that over to Tech. “I normally do not sleep at all before a big game. I also do not eat until it is over and I am constantly thinking about everything I have to do before the game. I also have to be ready with my script — there’s 90-something reads that I have to prepare” he said.

“When, for lack of a better term, you’re the VOG (voice of God), everybody’s listening to you,” Cameron explained. “There’s tones and inflections that you have to be prepared for and practice. You do not ever want to use a happy tone for a sad moment.”

Much like the new athletic facility near Callaway Plaza, his Tech routine is still under construction. He is still trying to get his bearings on campus. 

“This campus is huge! I was trying to find my parking space,” he told the Technique with the same inflection that he delivers his signature “threeeeeeeee” call. 

That being said, he is looking forward to being part of the resurgence Tech is experiencing. “What’s funny is that everyone is acting like I had the perfect timing, with the team going over and winning in Ireland. … I didn’t know that they were going to make that kind of a statement, I promise!” Cameron said.

“I just think it is exciting when you see the people they are bringing in. The experience is going along with the program…now the football team is getting its recognition. And now you got the Battle of Atlanta [Tech game versus Georgia State] coming up? It’s, wow. A night game too? Come on, man” he said. 

He plans on bringing the “threeeeeee” call over to kicks by redshirt sophomore kicker Aiden Birr. To an announcer like Cameron, the last name “King” is a possible goldmine of radio moments and calls, with plenty of fun puns available. Although he does not eat during the games, he does snack on barbecue Lay’s Chips and sips on Propel Water to keep himself ready to call the latest highlight. 

“I also have a victory meal — I usually go out to J.R Crickets and order some chicken.” Cameron said. And you already know what I’m ordering,” he told the Technique: 

 “The Flats.”
