Ramblin’ with Alexander Reese

Photo courtesy of GTAA

Technique: Why did you choose athletics?

Reese: I was always athletic as a child. My parents offered [to let] me to do it, and I accepted. It turns out that I had a talent for it. Since middle school, my little brother helped me a lot as he had a lot of connections with a club team and a coach. The coach trained me from then onwards till
high school.

Technique: How are you preparing for  your next track meet?

Reese: The next track meet is at Virginia Tech starting on February 5th and will carry on through the weekend. As far as preparation goes, I’m working on turnover and speed work, and I am hoping to run a 48 low. I have no idea what events, but I will be taking part in either 400m open or 4x400m relay.

Technique: Why did you choose to run track and field at Tech? How much did academics play into your decision?

Reese: I chose it so I could get the most of it. I got into a handful of schools, and Georgia Tech was an excellent choice for me not only for athletics but also for the superior academics offered here.

Technique: Do you have any advice for your peers on time

Reese: I also had a problem managing time at first. But as time went by, I got the hang of it. I would always prioritize academics over anything else.  The training is fixed, so you need to build around it depending on what you’re major is.  So just pick a quiet place like the library, and put in a couple of hours to focus on academics.

Technique: What do you plan on doing after graduation?

Reese: I am looking forward to getting into graduate school and getting a graduate degree in digital media to further my dreams of becoming a digital designer.

Technique: Do you have any specific training regimes for the different events? What is your mental and physical training

Reese: I don’t have any specific training for different events; it’s mostly mental preparation for me. It’s important to understand that you’re not the best, and that other people are training just as hard as you. You want to make sure that you personally are trained the hardest. It’s crucial to be in the zone and stay confident. If you’re not mentally prepared, you’re not forcing yourself to win and stay ahead of the competition. In terms of the physical aspect, though, I like to keep my body loose and well-stretched.

Technique: Who is your track role model?

Reese: I really look up to Michael Johnson. He was the champion of the 400m dash and the 200m dash. I wanted to be just like him, his running style and technique really impressed me.

Technique: What was the most memorable event you have taken part in?

Reese: My most memorable event was in the 2011-2012 season when I was in my junior year of high school. I ran the 200m and the 400m Georgia State meet events. I ran a 21.9 for the 200m, the best in all of Georgia, and I ran a 47.3 [in the 400m], winning the 5A divisions.

Technique: What are some of your hobbies?

Reese: I consider myself an avid gamer and put my free time into gaming. But if I have some quiet time, I like to do some

Technique: What are some of your favorite spots to hang out at Georgia Tech and in the
Atlanta area?

Reese: I haven’t actually explored Atlanta that much even though I’m a third year. I prefer to be on campus, and I feel Tech Square is a nice spot to get some nice food and hang out
with friends.
