When I take over as editor-in-chief of the Technique in the fall, I will have the tremendous honor of leading the organization during its 97th volume of publication and its 100th year of existence as a student organization. While I am unsure that I am deserving of such a great privilege, I look forward to tackling the challenges and opportunities that present themselves over the course of the year.
The Technique plays a vital role in informing the student body about important events affecting the students’ lives on- and off-campus. This includes important decisions taken by campus administrators and student leaders, as well as changes undertaken at the local, state or national level. As the current news editor, I have worked with an extremely dedicated staff to provide the most accurate and unbiased information to the Tech community. Whether I have accomplished that goal is something for you, the reader, to decide.
Looking ahead, I hope to implement a series of changes within the organization that will help us improve the quality of the content published in the paper each week. It is also important that the Technique serves timely and relevant content to its readers. Lastly, the Technique should serve as a voice for the student body and ask tough questions on its behalf to report the truth about major campus issues. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can accomplish those goals, please stop by the Technique office in the Flag building to share your thoughts.
Working at the Technique has been an extremely rewarding experience—far more than what I could have ever imagined when I attended my first staff meeting three years ago. I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to an organization that has given so much to me during my college career.