As Tech looks to the future with the days of engagement, it is important that the Institute breaks down the boundaries that are inhibiting the ability of students to succeed. In many academic areas, Tech lacks the interdisciplinary flare that the Institute strives so hard to push. The double-count rule stands as a staunch impediment for student to strive for greater knowledge through a minor or a certificate. It should also be a priority to open all the different sectors of knowledge on campus to all students by allowing greater flexibility within major studies. A build-your-own degree opportunity could allow students with a multitude of interest broaden their horizons.
It should also be a priority of the Institute to teach students not only how to work with people of the same majors and similar interest but also how to work with people of different backgrounds and specialties. Projects, such as senior design, should focus on how people are going to need others to accomplish their goals within their own industry. This peer-based learning approach has proven highly successful in some departments, but broader use throughout campus would enhance the current model and the learning experience of all students.
Tech also needs to harness technology in its teaching approach. Other leading technological university are ahead of Tech in using online networking opportunities to better communicate information between faculty and students, and Tech must close the gap. Such approaches could revolutionize teaching without compromising the fundamental strengths of the educational process. The Institute needs also to needs implement more of the” curriculum in the community” approach. Being in the center of a vibrant and changing city could have yet unknown leaning potential, but such opportunities will remain unknown unless it is aggressively sought.