Letters to the Editor

Letters from readers

I just wanted to point out amongst the up-roar about the increase in student fees that the faculty and staff of Georgia Tech have also been impacted by budget cuts this year.

The faculty and staff are being forced to take furlough days, and while students might jump at the chance to skip class this could bring hardships to members of the Tech community. Remember that faculty and staff have bills to pay and many have kids to feed, or put through college. While you may be paying an extra $300 in fees, if you go all three semesters this year, faculty and staff will be losing 6 days pay, or about 2.3% of their yearly salary, which could anywhere from $700 on up. Please try to remember that budget cuts affect all of us.

David Colvin

Grad Student ECE

I just saw the new Stinger bus graphics with the honeycomb pattern on the side. I can only imagine that the person who approved the graphics doesn’t know the difference between a bee and a yellow jacket. Can you imagine someone approving a graphic of a Jack Russell Terrier on the side of a UGA bus in the place of a bulldog? I don’t think that would get past ONE person.

Sterling Skinner

Administrative Manager ME

I’m writing to congratulate the Georgia Tech football team on an excellent season. I hadn’t seen GT play this season until the Orange Bowl, and even in a tough loss, the team is impressive. The talent level of the athletes and the quality of the coaching staff was evident, despite the outcome. The players stayed cool under pressure, didn’t lash out with stupid penalties, stuck with the game plan, and refused to abandon the offensive schema that got them a well-earned No. nine ranking.

GT enjoys a distinguished reputation nationwide, in both academics and athletics, and both are well-deserved. I hope the Georgia Tech students are proud of their team and its success this year.

Benjamin J. Siders

U. of Iowa ‘99
