
What is HOT and what is NOT at Tech this week.

The new Stingers that greeted students upon their return was a much needed upgrade from the old Stinger fleet that was prone to maintenance problems. The new timing devices at the Stinger stops are also a convenient modernization for the system. Additionally, the new buses run partially on recycled oils, continuing Tech’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

President Obama’s recent appointment of Howard Schmidt, a faculty member in the College of Computing, to be the cyber-security czar for the White House reinforces the prominent role that Tech and members of the Institute play throughout the nation and the world. With over 40 years of experience, Schmidt will no doubt prove to be a valuable asset in Washington.

Aside from the below freezing temperatures making walking to class less than enjoyable, the frozen conditions have caused pipes to burst around campus, flooding many buildings. Hopefully actions can be taken to prevent these disturbances from occurring in the future. Among the problem areas were the ULC, North Ave. Apartments and the Student Center. .

The football team’s unfortunate loss in the Orange Bowl leaves a bit of a sour taste in the mouths of Tech fans after a memorable season. This marks the fifth straight loss for the Jackets in bowl games. It is also disappointing that four of Tech’s juniors will not be returning next season, but their success at the professional level could prove highly beneficial for the program.
