What is HOT and what is NOT at Tech this week.

The library reserves just got a little bigger. The Institute of Museum and Library Services just gave the Library and Information Center at Georgia Tech a grant of $857,000 to create an expanded repository service. Students will be excited to hear that now more articles can be accessed online at midnight when writing that pesky research paper at the last minute.

Tech has decided to withdraw from the Academic Common Market for undergraduates in 2011. While the economic necessities of this decision are apparent, majors like PTFE and NRE will lose the pool of candidates in surrounding states that might otherwise not consider Tech due to the costs of out-of-state tuition. Hopefully, scholarships will make up the lack.

After our rousing defeat of Duke, Tech has clinched the ACC’s Coastal Division. For the second time ever, Tech has secured a spot in the ACC championship. This is a nice lead-up to an exciting game against UGA. We are sure that this is a sign of good things to come, both in the upcoming show of good, clean old-fashioned hate and the bowl game. Football hasn’t been this exciting in years!

The people handing out books titled The Origins of Species around Skiles confused students who upon opening the text discovered it’s foreword has been added to promote Creationism. While we respect their rights to their opinion, the “Origin of Schools” project is misleading to students wanting the original. This effort should only be allowed when done by students.
