What is HOT and what is NOT at Tech this week

After only a few days of the existence of a student-run and created website, it has exploded with activity. It also has become a fixture on the mini feeds of students campus-wide. The most commonly trended topic has already been established as classes, with food as a close second, fulfilling the stereotype of Tech nerds who live for class quite nicely. Only at Tech.

Faculty furloughs begin this semester over winter break this 21st-24th and will be done again in the spring by discretion of the professor. While hopefully this can be looked at by professors as a few extra days of vacation, it is a shame that they will have to give up paid days due to mandate by the Board of Regents. We hope this policy will end soon.

An anonymous donor gave the College of Management a $25 million dollar commitment over the next five years that will double its current endowment. A large portion of this will be used to fund undergraduate scholarships and graduate scholarships, meaning that a lot of the money will go directly to students. If you were considering the M-train, this is an added push.

The crimes around campus only seem to grow, but a mid-day armed stick-up at bank within sight of the student center at Tech is beyond what even we were prepared for. Hopefully this was a one-time fluke, and will not be the first of escalated crimes close to home. Luckily, no one was hurt during the robbery, although how much money was taken is unknown.
