Hot or Not

What’s hot or not on campus this week.

With two football games to get excited about in one week, the level school spirit was bound to be high. Campus added to the inundation of good will by including a traditional T-Night celebration and a white out against Clemson. Distribution of free t-shirts for the white out intensified feelings, as everyone knows the best way to make a Tech student happy is free stuff.

Jazzman’s has officially become a 24-hour establishment for tired students to frequent in the library. Now instead of desperately trying to stay awake sustaining on food from the snack machines, students will be able to purchase coffee and snacks all night long. All- nighters may be miserable, but this will make the experience slightly more bearable at 3 in the morning.

While everyone enjoyed winning our first football game of the season, the chaos of the ticketing system dampened spirits some. Students who had tickets got thrown out after simply trying to join friends in other areas. Maybe the student section was a little chaotic before strict block rules, but it never caused trouble other than the occasional popped personal space bubble.

Student attendence at Peterson’s Investiture was sadly low last week. From the implications of our poll, most students could not attend due to class conflicts with the event. Although it had been previously implied that classes would all be cancelled during those few hours, they were not. This oversight on administration’s part made many students miss out on Tech history.
