Hot or Not

Race reloaded

Princeton professor Cornel West—renowned scholar, civil rights activist and even actor (appearing in two of the three Matrix movies)—visited Tech this week to share his firebrand views with the Tech community. Starting a conversation with Tech students on race in what has recently and controversially been termed a ‘nation of cowards’ is a step in a positive direction.

Best bias award

This year’s Oscars were riddled with the same bias for the usual tragic dramas. Wall-E and the Dark Knight were not even nominated for Best Picture, while Mickey Rourke’s outstanding performance in The Wrestler unsurprisingly lost to Sean Penn’s depiction of gay politician Harvey Milk (a Rourke win would have given the Technique an impressive six-for-six prediction streak).

Dancing stars

This year’s Dance Marathon broke new records of participation, with almost 300 students dancing for hours to raise funds for Atlanta’s children. Although the event did not raise as much money as last year, Dance Marathon continued to offer Tech students the chance to do a good—and fun—deed.

Gmail scare

Prompting a slew of confused and sometimes angry updates on blogs, Twitter and Facebook, this week’s Gmail’s outage caused panic among users. Sure, the server was only out temporarily during the middle of the night, but we were reminded of our shameless dependency on Google for normal functioning.
