Your Views: Letters to the Editor

Over the past few weeks, the Student Government Association has presented the Tech student body with football ticketing options for the future, but we understand that many still have questions and that there may be some misconceptions about what SGA is thinking. Therefore, here are some “frequently asked questions” and our responses to them.

Has the final decision on ticketing been made? No, the final decision has not been made. The options that we have put forward are strictly possibilities for our ticketing system in the future. Our purpose in bringing these options forward is to start a conversation with and among the student body. The student input process that we are going through right now is incredibly important in the decision-making process.

Who is going to make the decision on ticketing? SGA has formed a Ticketing Advisory Committee to assist in the decision making process. This committee includes a diverse group of representatives, including undergraduates, graduates, Greeks, non-Greeks, student athletes, the Ramblin’ Reck Club, SWARM and RHA.

What is going to happen to block seating? All of the possible scenarios that SGA has proposed still include block seating. We understand that the block system is very important to a large majority of students, including both Greeks and non-Greeks. If you have strong ideas or preferences about block seating, please let us know.

How much is this going to cost? We have some good news on this front: there is no longer going to be an additional cost for any of the ticketing options. The Athletic Association has agreed to work with SGA to absorb the costs of any changes. That means no charge for tickets and no extra increase in the athletic fee.

We hope that you will join the conversation and let us know what you think about the proposed ticketing options. How do you feel about online ticketing, BuzzCard scanning and season versus individual tickets?

You can download the latest version of SGA’s ticketing presentation at If you have other ideas, we would love to hear them. SGA wants to formulate the best possible ticketing policy going into next season, so please submit your feedback to [email protected] to help us do what’s best for Tech.

Nick Wellkamp, undergraduate student body president

Aaron Fowler, graduate

student body president

Robert McEntyre,

undergraduate vice president of Campus Affairs

Charles Shoemaker, ME representative, chair of Athletics and Recreational Services Committee

Athletic Association is in great hands

As a fifth-year student at Tech who has never missed a home football game, I was quite appalled while reading “Athletic Association puts students second” [Feb. 13].

To begin, the title itself is quite misleading. Using the word “students” implies that the Athletic Association made a move that compromised the entire student body. WREK, although run by students, is still just a campus organization. If you’d like to talk about AA moves that impact the entire student body, you should have mentioned new ticket plans for next football season, which all include measures to increase the number of tickets allotted to students. The AA is also currently working with SGA to devise a ticketing system that is easier and more beneficial.

Secondly, it should be noted that the AA is a business first and foremost. Our tuition checks do not go to paying Paul Johnson, Paul Hewitt or Danny Hall. The AA is charged with raising its own funds. Therefore, as a business, the AA must do what it feels is in its best financial interest. Its scope must reach far beyond students to alumni and “sidewalk fans.” If the organization truly feels that moving to a major FM affiliate is in the best interest of Tech fans, then that is what it must do.

Do you really believe that we made a downgrade by bringing in Dan Radakovich to replace David Braine? But, hey, it’s obvious that Mr. Radakovich and the AA have no interest in academics. We only have the highest average SAT scores of any athletic department in the country. According to an NCAA study, the University of Georgia admits 94 percent of its athletes below its minimum academic requirements. The number for Tech? Eight percent.

Don’t blame the AA for doing what is in its own best interest. The Tech student body (and fan base) is in great hands.

Roy McCord

Fifth-year CMPE

McCord is the Sports Editor for the North Avenue Review.
