Our Views: Hot or Not

HOT: Spring reading

The list of assigned reading for Tech’s future president just got longer. The students tasked by SGA to write a white paper will be able to add their two cents to the debate on Tech’s new direction, offering student-specific suggestions that will add a new, more balanced voice. Now all we need to know is who will be charged with reading—and enacting—these great ideas.

NOT: Recruiting excess

Maybe it’s because the country is in a recession or because the athletic fee is likely to increase next year, but the Athletic Association’s decision to spend $800,000 on recruitment activities for football—about $300,000 more than Georgia and Florida—sounds a little absurd. With more than $50,000 spent on stationary alone, the proof better be in next season’s pudding.

HOT: Happy upset

Men’s basketball took everyone by surprise by beating number four ranked Wake Forest last week. The upset ended the Yellow Jackets’ long losing streak, sending a jolt of hope through fans. This week’s home game against Maryland sold out of student tickets. Let’s hope the wins—and the fan loyalty—aren’t a fluke.

NOT: Megamod mystery

Students have been complaining about campus-wide e-mails overflowing inboxes for some time, so the Graduate Student Senate’s decision to trash a bill that would allow everyone to opt in (or out) of these list serves seems like a total mystery. Why would they pass up the chance to quickly fix this nuisance to students?
