Our Views: Hot-or-Not

HOT: Free flu shots

There is no excuse for students not to get a flu shot this fall. Health Services is offering the vaccine at various locations around campus, including the North Avenue Apartments and the Student Center. Best of all, the flu shots are free and covenient. They are paid for by the student health fee, and same-day appointments can be made through the new online appointment system.

NOT: Printing restrictions

Students have complained about the changes made to GT Print, which were made without consulting SGA or the student body. Rollover is no longer allowed, and students who had gotten used to accumulating 100 pages after two weeks miss the extra benefit. Being required to log in and swipe BuzzCards has also added an additional hassle to students printing on the go.

HOT: Top ranking

Hispanic Business ranked Tech the top engineering school for 2008 citing its top academics and active Hispanic student organizations, among other features. Being the number one choice for Hispanics puts Tech on the national map and cements its reputation as a premier institution.

NOT: Vandalized Buzzes

Continued vandalism of the Buzz Around Town statues has proven frustrating. Some of the 25 statues celebrating Tech have had their antennas and ties ripped off, which were going to be auctioned to benefit a Tech organization. This shows a lack of respect for public property and school spirit.
