OUR VIEWS: Hot or Not

HOT: Clough Day

In celebration of his 14 years of outstanding service to the students of Tech and the Institute as a whole, campus will hold a President Wayne Clough Day on April 21. The event will include a speech by Dr. Clough, ice cream, photo opportunities and a final chance for non-graduates to shake the hand of the man who did so much to shape and improve Tech. The event will be held at the Campanile.

NOT: Hell Week

The past week, lovingly referred to by many Tech students as “Hell Week,” was a perfect storm of stress, due dates and general confusion for many. The final week in which professors could administer tests and quizzes and collect homework assignments collided with the finale of Greek Week as well as tax season, overloading students with responsibilities, scheduling conflicts and panic attacks.

HOT: Track and Field

Thursday marked the start of the ACC Outdoor Track and Field Championships, the first time Tech has been given the honor since 1997. The event is being attended by all 12 conference teams, and will conclude Saturday evening. Admission to all of the events is free throughout the weekend.

not; Professional Fraud

Tech released information this Wednesday alleging that two tenured professors have been involved in at least $100,000 of potential fraud and theft, centered on false employment data. The professors are having their tenure revoked and have been referred to the State Attorney General’s office for investigation.
