Our Views: HOT or NOT

HOT: Basketball rebounds

Men’s basketball won on Wednesday against N.C. State, sinking six free-throws in the last 50 seconds. The win, combined with the previous conference-game victory over Virginia Tech, improved the Jacket’s overall ACC record. The impressive program turn-around proved that Tech can beat at least one of the schools from North Carolina.

NOT: Bound till break

The three-day weekend in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, while a much-appreciated respite, marked the beginning of seven weeks of classes till spring break. As students trudge towards the next blissful escape from class, remember: other schools get out for Presidents’ and Columbus’ day.

HOT: Student body politic

Mechanical Engineering graduate student Shelby Highsmith has been selected as a citizen journalist for MTV’s Choose or Lose voting initiative. Highsmith will also be reporting on untold stories in local politics. Tech students should follow suit and engage in political activism.

NOT: Market slump

International stocks dropped this week, despite the cut in the federal interest rate. While obviously not a Tech-exclusive issue, the fear of a recession does not bode well for those of us hoping to pay off loans soon. It does however, bode well for those graduate admissions, as more scared students enroll in an attempt to avoid the world of employment.
