This Tuesday evening, the CRC staff unveiled its most significant piece of new machinery, LifeFitness Synrgy, a functional training system, to the Tech community.
“We’re actually the first facility in the state of Georgia to have the Synrgy system, so we’re really proud of that,” said Christie Stewart, the CRC’s Associate Director of Healthy Lifestyle Programs.
The Synrgy system gives users functional and dynamic exercise options, and can accommodate up to 16 people at one time. The large piece of equipment features a variety of different stations such as medicine balls, monkey bars, battling ropes, bands and more advanced stations such as TRX straps, which require special training.
“One thing we do want to emphasize is that our fitness staff is here to answer questions, and show our patrons how to use our equipment, because we want people to use our equipment safely,” Stewart said.
The decision to add new equipment results in part from a Fall 2011 survey conducted by the CRC, which asked where users wanted to see improvements. From those results, CRC administrators noticed a significant number of requests for additional functional training space, which would allow for exercises seen in popular fitness training programs such as P90X, Insanity and CrossFit.
Other additions to CRC equipment include several kinds of cardio equipment, both new and replacement. Two Cybex Arc Trainers are among the new pieces, after demoing during the summer with positive feedback.
“[It’s] a little bit different from a typical elliptical, because you can adjust them…to a longer stride or shorter stride…It also lets you set it to a constant power,” said CRC Fitness Coordinator Elisha Smith.
Because of the high volume of usage on the cardio equipment like ellipticals, treadmills and stationary bikes, CRC administration has implemented a cardio equipment replacement plan for their machines, with the intention to reduce lifetime costs and ensure equipment is at a top functioning level.
Additional weight equipment has also been added, in the form of two LifeFitness Half Squat Racks and a LifeFitness Barbell Rack, which features pre-loaded barbells.
“We try to think ahead, so that we can replace them before they get to the point where they aren’t functional, or aren’t being cost effective,” Stewart said.
The first phase of replacement was initiated in 2008. A total of $81,071 was spent on replacement cardio equipment. The second phase of the plan, in 2009, cost the CRC $141,285.
“The way that we do our replacement is through our generated revenue, so we’re able to be intentional about that funding to be able to put that money back into facility improvements, for both the facility and equipment,” Stewart said.
After the Fall 2011 survey, a total of $95,973 was used to purchase the additions.
“We have a fixed space we’re working with, so we’re trying to switch out equipment, and give as many options as possible,” Stewart said.