UHR, GSS strike some funds from men’s volleyball, Solar Jackets

Men’s Volleyball Club

The men’s volleyball club asked for a reallocation of funds to pay for other upcoming competitions that were not listed on their original budget.

However, because some of those tournaments were for the spring, and because the organization had already asked for funds for six tournaments this semester, various line items asking for funds for tournaments were amended to zero dollars.

The volleyball club was told that it would be allowed to come in Spring 2012 to ask money for those tournaments that were struck out from the bill.

Solar Jackets

Solar Jackets submitted a bill to fund the production of the solar-powered car to compete in the American Solar Challenge. JFC struck various funds down because JFC believed that the organization had some of that money in their budget already. The line items amended were arbitrary but reflective of the amount that was thought to have already been present in Solar Jackets’ budget.


Qurbani, a South Asian dance organization, submitted a bill to attain money for hosting a competition entitled A-Town Showdown. Money was requested for items such as judges, trophies, venue fees and decorations.

Discussion ensued in UHR about funding this organization, which required $23,000 for the event, even though the organization was only requesting $6,000. The projected ticket sales and incoming revenue would pay for the $23,000 and thus potentially render the $6,000 from SGA a “profit” of sorts—however, since not all tickets have been sold and since $23,000 needs to be paid before the event, the organization is requesting money from SGA.

Debate ensued about this observation, but was limited to one representative in the body—and the representatives decided to uphold JFC policy and pass the bill in favor of the organization. The additional leftover money from ticket sales , according to the organization, will be used to sustain the organization’s event for future years.

Christian Campus Fellowship

The CCF requested money to fund a trip to Puebla, Mexico, to help the impoverished by building houses and water projects in the area.

No religious affiliation will be present on the trip.

SGA Computer

SGA requested and passed a funding bill to replace a computer used by the speaker of the house  Brooke McDaniel in undergraduate meetings, which cannot capably accommodate the current ‘clicker’ PRS software.
