SGA Election Guide: Wallace Benton

Wallace Benton


Friends, Techies, countrymen, lend me your ears!

I come to tell you of the campaign trail

Differentiate from the false promises

And listen to my words with an open mind!

I am not going to preach to you of my accomplishments before or during my tenure at Tech. What is more important is what I am striving for during this campaign. It is high time that students are fully appreciated and represented in the student government of this luscious institution. Why is it that the first time that the student body was asked our opinions in a serious manner was during the concealed weapons debate? Why is it that SGA “tries” to have meals with the general population, yet still does not seem to understand the needs and wants of the general population? Why is it that students do not know what SGA is or the functions that it serves? Obviously there is a disconnect.

We need a student government that’s accountable, using funds generated by our student fees to solve campus problems, not hide them in ineffective, “free” campus programs. I want the voting records for each member of the UHR to be online, so students know how their reps are voting. I also want a well-advertised comment period for the annual budget, so students can vote, line by line, on what they like and don’t. I also want voter statistics available online, broken down by year, major, financial aid status, ethnicity, state/country of residence, Greek/unaffiliated, and gender. We must protect the secret ballot, but all of this information is already available–let’s use it to make SGA better. SGA needs to be sure that it is representative of the WHOLE student body. If it isn’t, SGA MUST reach out to voters who are, in effect, disenfranchised.

Other issues:

* GT Parking – Buzzcard readers for the parking meters and selling permits per semester.

* OSCAR needs to email students when they have a hold.

* Allow students to create designs for campus to fix major issues whether it be designing buildings or creating a more “green” campus

* Origin-destination studies to help fix GT Transportation issues

Why vote for me? Because I, like Winston Churchill, “have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.” The Black Stallion will always ride again.
