SGA Election Guide: Jeff Porubsky

Jeff Porubsky

Jeff “JPo” Porubsky:

Since I graduated High School my dream university to attend was Ga Tech. After high school I started in community college; after financial difficulties I had to stop school in order to work. I worked for many years before I could make a return to school, at which time I set my sights on Tech. During that down time I had many friends who attended Tech and I was on campus often. I was either visiting the friends in the dorms or Home Park. These interactions showed me the beauty and splendor of what Tech was all about. Now that I am blessed enough to be here I see it is my obligation to give back to the school and community that has given so much to me.

I am ideal for this position, in part, because I have almost a full decade more life experience than the other candidates. I have seen the outside world and experienced its hardships first-hand, which allows me to fully appreciate Tech in all it’s glory. I will improve our campus lives by addressing the following issues:

Golden Ratio: For too long now women have been under-represented at Tech. With only a ~30% population of women on the campus it is time that we take this issue seriously and make a concerted effort to reach out to women (both high school and college age) to come be a part of our community. Also, there needs to be specific and extensive measures taken to assure the safety and well-being of the women on our campus, thus the next point.

Safety: The safety and security of Tech students should be one of the highest priorities of the school. It’s not an issue that can be solved by any one particular group. It requires cooperation from the administration, the GTPD, as well as the student body with the participation from SGA. The crime rate on campus is unacceptable and it’s time that real and effective steps are taken to prevent the crime from getting worse. Ignoring Tech’s security problem in the name of “avoiding bad PR” is counter-productive and actively negligent.

Bridge the Gaps: It is the job of the president to be the spokesperson for the student body. This role requires dealing with administration as well as groups outside of the school. During the last year in which I served on the Undergraduate Council I facilitated and participated in a tremendous amount of communications, between multiple different Deans and associate Deans to the office of executive governmental affairs – even weekly communications with State representatives. I have already established my presence among much of the administration as well as created a strong link to the state government.

The second gap to be bridged exists between SGA and the students they are supposed to represent. All too often the only time you hear of SGA is when there is an election, and you usually only hear from your representatives when they are running for office – the rest of the year you have no idea what decisions are being made in your name and with your money. I will push to have stronger communications between the students and SGA, as well as creating incentive to have students actively participate in the affairs of SGA.

Greek Concerns: Although the Greek community comprises only ~20% of the undergraduate population they are the single most involved segment in campus activities. With this in mind it is understandable that special provisions be made for the Greek community, some of which will be the concern over block seating at the games. Additionally, the provision of adequate parking is well past due – parking should be abundant and easily accessible for every house in the Greek sector. Lastly, it’s important that the Greeks be able to enjoy and maintain a high level of sovereignty for the duration of any chapter on campus.

Epilogue: I always try to live by an old Boy Scout motto, “Leave the place better than you found it”. Tech has forever improved me and before I go I will leave Tech better than I found it. All these things I can and will do – however, I need your support on Apr 9th. Please remember to vote for me. God bless you all and God bless Tech.
