SGA Election Guide: Anthony Baldridge

Anthony Baldridge

Every year at this time, we as graduate students have the opportunity to select those who will represent us in the executive branch for the next academic year. If elected, my administration will focus on a number of major topics significant to the graduate student body. While these are not the sole issues that will be addressed, they are some of the most significant issues facing the graduate student body and ones that will constitute the main focus of my administration.

* Student Health Insurance – Next year will be a significant year for the student health insurance in that Georgia Tech will be able to select an insurance provider for the coming years. This will be a significant task for SGA and exploring all aspects and concerns of the graduate student body is of utmost importance.

* Communication – There are gaps in the way information is conveyed to the graduate student body for significant campus issues and events. To address this I propose the following:

+ Creation of a Board of Governors composed of organizational representatives from graduate only organizations. Through this body, communication can be facilitated, and a more comprehensive view of the graduate activities at Tech can be made a reality.

+ Creation of a Board of Regents Graduate Student Committee including all the graduate student presidents from Georgia universities and colleges that will provide a platform for graduate concerns to be voiced to the Board of Reagents.

+ Development of better communication resources and ways to disseminate information on our campus.

* Professional Development – This in general is one of the greatest concerns facing graduate students today. At Georgia Tech, a number of departments offer some limited opportunities to enhance professional development but my administration will work on a central plan creating programming and opportunities for all graduate students.

* GTRIC – This year’s conference was truly an accomplishment that showcased some of the best research and efforts of graduate students at Georgia Tech. If elected, my administration will focus on the continuing development of the conference and address all the feedback offered by graduate students from this year’s conference.

* Involvement – As the graduate student population continues to grow, involvement will become increasingly important and the recruiting of new members to join the graduate student government and provide representation to this expanding population will be a focus of my administration.

Through the course of this year, I have served as Student Welfare Chair and am currently in my third year as a graduate student senator. From these offices, I have gained experience on the workings of graduate SGA and Georgia Tech and have built relationships that will prove invaluable to the success of next year. If elected, my sole concern will always be the graduate student body. As we progress through these ever changing times, it is becoming increasingly more important to have our voices heard and continue to progress our efforts for the benefit of all graduate students. I appreciate your support in the upcoming election.
