Breaking the Bubble

A lot of things went on outside the bubble of Tech in the past week. Here are a few important events taking place throughout the nation and the world.

Virginia’s Republican governor Bob McDonnell issued a proclamation on Wednesday declaring April Confederate History Month. Critcs were particularly appalled by McDonnell’s decision to leave out references to slavery altogether from his declaration.

U.S. President Barack Obama unveiled a new defense policy as part of his Nuclear Posture Review restricting the use of nuclear weapons. The announcement comes days before Obama signs a landmark nuclear arms reduction pact with Russia. The plan rules out a nuclear response to attacks on America involving biological, chemical or conventional weapons. However, this applies only to countries that comply with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, excluding countries like Iran and North Korea.

A huge underground blast caused by methane gas killed 25 coal miners at the Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia on April 5, 2010. As of Wednesday four other workers were missing as rescue workers continued to attempt to penetrate the mountainside above the mine, wary of a dangerous buildup of methane and carbon monoxide near the entrance. Officials hope that the four miners still trapped were able to reach airtight chambers in the mine, stocked with food and oxygen to last for four days.
