Council Clippings

This edition of Council Clippings covers the UHR and GSS meetings from Mar. 30, 2010.

UHR passed legislation amending the undergraduate SGA bylaws, resulting in changes to the roles of multiple executive and non-executive positions throughout undergraduate SGA. One change will be the establishment of a new speaker of the house for UHR. The speaker will be the chief executive of the legislative branch and be responsible for overseeing joint SGA bills, presiding over UHR meetings and appointing several positions for UHR meetings. If passed in referendum during elections these changes will become effective starting on March 12, 2011. The bill passed UHR 40-2-2.

The Archery Club requested funds from SGA to attend the US Intercollegiate Archery Championships. The club requested $2560.30 from SGA, including $1368 in registration fees. While JFC policy only allows up to $1000 funding for registration to events, UHR waived JFC policy and funded the full amount upon recommendation of the JFC chair, based on the club’s success at previous events. The bill passed GSS 21-2-0 and UHR 39-2-0.

SGA considered a bill put forward by the Culture Tech organization to put on an International Food Fair on April 5 at the Tech Green. The bill was amended from $6090 to $2654 in order to conform to JFC policy regarding funding for food. Organizational representatives explained that they would need more funding in order to put on a strong event. Representatives claimed that JFC policy was there for a reason and, therefore, UHR should not fund more than the recommended amount. UHR passed the bill 40-3-0 and GSS passed by 25-0-0.
