News Briefs

News Briefs

The Bunger-Henry building recently experienced a spate of safety incidents that prompted the involvement of Environmental Health and Safety, the Georgia Tech Police Department, and Atlanta Fire department. According to reports, a researcher inadvertently spilled hydrofluoric acid on his hand on Feb. 22, prompting a visit to the hospital. On Feb. 26, another researcher in the same building set of an alarm when reacting two chemicals in large quantities under a fume hood. Emergency teams secured the building for over two hours in order to mitigate the situation. On March 1, a chemical spill in the building prompted another alarm.

Musician inventors from around the world participated in the second annual Guthman Musical Instrument Competition at Tech to win $10,000 in cash prizes.

The winning instrument for 2009 was a “silent drum” that used shapes and shadows to compute and control sound.
