Council Clippings

This edition of Council Clippings covers the UHR and GSS meetings from Feb. 9, 2010.

The volleyball club requested funding from SGA to renovate the volleyball courts on top of the Curran Parking Deck in West Campus. More specifically, the organization requested funds for new net systems, sand, gravel and concrete. The bill totaled $19,375.20 before being amended down to $15,610.71 in order to conform to JFC policy. The bill passed UHR 43-1-1. GSS struck funding for the net systems and passed the bill 20-3-2. The bill will go to a conference committee.

The Chinese Friendship Association (GTCFA) submitted a bill to UHR requesting funding for a series of events to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The events included a Chinese New Year party and a food night at Brittain Rec. The bill request funds from the Undergraduate Legislative Reserve (ULR), which is usually reserved for special legislative projects put on by UHR. Because this was a ULR request, the bill was not subject to review by JFC or GSS. A long discussion ensued over whether or not to fund this bill, especially since items requested on the bill would not normally be funded under a joint bill, according to the JFC chair. The bill failed UHR 5-31-9.

A bill was put forth in UHR to amend the Joint Finance Committee Policy to reflect changes in travel funding and formalize JFC procedures related to attendance of organizational representatives and pay rates for certain positions. According to the bill, the vice president of Finance may postpone a bill for another week or recommend zero funding for a bill if no organization representative is able to attend the scheduled JFC meeting. Also, the maximum funding and per mile rates for travel had been updated. The bill passed UHR unanimously.
