News Briefs

News Briefs

T-Square will be down on Saturday, Feb. 6 from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. as a result of server and system upgrades. Representatives for the website have asked for students to prepare ahead of time for the duration of the outage.

The American Red Cross Club at Tech, Mobilizing Opportunities for Volunteer Experience (MOVE) and Delta Sigma Pi hosted a blood drive last week. The blood drive lasted Monday to Thursday, Jan. 25-28 in the Student Center Ballroom. The groups were collecting blood each day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

During the blood drive they collected 394 pints of blood from a total of 427 donors. The blood drive fell a bit short of its record of 509 units of blood collected. The blood collected has the potential to help up to 1182 patients who are in need of blood transfusions. Donors received free snacks, drinks and a T-shirt after donating blood. The groups host blood drives every year in the spring and fall semester.
