As part of SGA Week, representatives spent last week reaching out to the undergraduate student body to promote student government and seek input on issues that impact students the most. SGA sought to capture student concerns by hosting five days of events including skate night, meet-and-greets, open forums and a volunteer event.
“The overall purpose of SGA is to represent the interest of the student body and to work toward initiatives. SGA needs to be accessible, and we need to be transparent in our practices,” said Elle Creel, second-year EIA major and SGA public relations committee chair.
SGA invited students to experience a typical Undergraduate House of Representatives (UHR) meeting and participate in an Open Forum, allowing them to voice their opinions in front of SGA representatives.
“We can’t serve the student body effectively unless we know what their opinions of us are and where they would like us to concentrate resources,” said C.T. Boone, third-year MGT major and vice president of SGA’s communications committee.
Organizers also put together a week-long Post-It note campaign to evoke more student response. Easels of Post-It notes filled with student responses were located in the library rotunda.
“[The Post-It Note Campaign] was exceptionally creative and effective. What I was particularly happy to see was people advocating more class offerings. I hope that [the campaign] will be given the weight it deserves and actually be read and processed,” said Hunter Hammond, first-year BME major and member of freShGA.
According to Boone, various SGA executives visited Brittain and Woodruff dining halls on Tuesday and Thursday of last week respectively to gather more input at a more personal level. The final event of SGA Week was a volunteering event with the Angels for Haiti organization.
“Haiti relief is something that a lot of Tech students care about. It’s important for us to be there with the students who want to help Haiti, working toward that common goal. Tech’s motto is ‘progress and service;’ we always have a big push toward progress, but we want the other part of that as well,” Creel said.