Council Clippings

This edition of Council Clippings covers the UHR and GSS meetings from Jan. 26, 2010.

The Table Tennis Association requested funding for equipment and competition fees to attend the North American Table Tennis Tournament. Both the men’s and women’s teams are currently ranked 1st in the state of Georgia and ranked 16th and 8th respectively, in the nation. The bill totaled $2438 but was amended to $1758 in order to conform to JFC policy. The bill passed UHR 39-0-0 and GSS 23-3-0.

A bill was put forth by the Trailblazers organization to fund two presentations of Disney’s film. The amount requested was to cover the licensing fee to show the film, totaling $550. GSS passed the bill 20-3-0, as did UHR with a vote of 38-1-0.

Paintball club requested funding from SGA to attend a home tournament and compete with rivals from other southeastern schools. The organization requested money to fund paint costs and entry fees for the competition. The bill totaled $518 and passed UHR with a vote of 38-3-0 and GSS passed the bill 17-8-1.

UHR reconsidered a bill passed last week to fund the Blueprint for $20,000. The bill was originally voted on Nov. 17 and sent to conference committee. The committee came out with a version of the bill that stipulated that the organization would receive $20,000, if it charged $5.00 for the yearbook. Executive Vice-President Parker Hancock ruled that provision out of order, and struck it from the conference committee version, citing that the stipulation had not been included in either the GSS or UHR version of the bill. Upon review, the bylaws did not prohibit the conference committee from adding the provision. Therefore, UHR revoted to pass the bill 37-2-1, meeting the enactment ratio.
