Campus Crime

Crime reports from around campus

GTPD arrived at Maulding Residence Hall after receiving a phone call from a Pizza Hut delivery man. According to the delivery man, he had met with a customer identified as “Lanz”, who was wearing Nike sandals, a blue hoodie and a pair of Tech football sweatpants. After bringing the incorrect receipt, the man suggested that the customer pay in cash instead. In response, the customer laughed and proceeded to enter the residence hall without paying for the pizza, thus locking the delivery man out. When police arrived on the scene, the delivery man entered Maulding and immediately pointed out a member of the Tech football team as the suspect. The player denied ordering a pizza, but reportedly smiled and mocked the delivery man. Upon searching the player’s room, the officer could not find any evidence of a box or pizza. No action was taken. The pizza, which has yet to be paid for, cost $24.06.

Wednesday Dec. 16, GTPD was called to Crecine Apartments after a member of the Department of Housing called. The complainant was asked to fix a cracked toilet bowl in one of the apartments in the building. He additionally stated that he did not know how the toilet was damaged; however, did mention that the broken toilet caused a leak which in turn flooded the bathroom.

Police were contacted by a concerned parent from China. The parent had not heard from his/her child, a Tech student, for approximately five days. An officer attempted to call the student’s cell phone and left a voicemail. As well, an on-duty peer leader knocked on the student’s door, but elicited no response. The student’s information was later listed as a missing person after calling a number of hospitals and jails in the area with no findings.
