During half-time of the annual homecoming game last weekend, Robert Ellis, a fifth-year CEE and Kaitlyn Frazier, a fourth-year BMED were named Mr. and Ms. Georgia Tech, respectively. Both were nominated by their respective Greek organization (Delta Chi and Alpha Delta Pi) and underwent a rigorous selection process, including interviews, presentations, and talent shows.
“Just being with so many other people that love the school as much as I do, just being associated with those people is a pretty big honor,” Ellis said. “I think it’s humbling to be part of the [selection] process.”
“It was a complete shock and definitely an honor to be considered by my fellow students. I didn’t believe that it was my name when they called me, I had to be told that it was me before I realized what was going on,” Frazier said.
The contest began about a month before homecoming week, when organizations across campus nominated individuals to be considered for the honor. Candidates were required to present an application, recommendation letter, and an essay on leadership experience. In total, 23 men and 26 women were nominated.
Candidates were put through interviews held by alumni and administrative officials. Following this process, the number of candidates was narrowed to 10 male and female semi-finalists, who were then asked to make a presentation about what they felt was the most important part about Tech.
Semi-finalists were also asked to record talent videos, which resulted in the submission of talents such as catching gummi bears and hula-hooping. The students also recorded a group song and dance of the fight song which was broadcast on screens across campus.
During homecoming week, semi-finalists were asked to participate in events such as Mock Rock and the talent show. The top five finalists were announced on Thursday of homecoming week. At the homecoming football game on Saturday, finalists were brought to the field during half time and the winners were announced.
“I pride myself on valuing relationships with other people. I think Tech has taught me how to deal with other people…I enjoy talking to others and making them feel comfortable,” Ellis said.
As part of the recognition, the recipients are required to represent the Institute at campus events, including Up with the White and Gold and When the Whistle Blows, a memorial ceremony for students and alumni.