Campus Crime

On June 29, a Tech student was walking by himself on Mecaslin Street between 15th and 16th Street when he was robbed at gunpoint. According to his report, a large black SUV pulled up to him as he was heading northbound towards 16th Street. Three black males jumped out of the vehicle and pointed handguns at him. One of the suspects was wearing a white shirt while the others were wearing dark clothing. The student was forced to give up his backpack and cell phone after one of the attackers ordered him to surrender his wallet and struck him on the head with the handgun. After taking the student’s possessions, the suspects told him to run away, upon which he did so and alarmed the police. Even though the victim was slightly injured during the incident, he refused medical treatment and was released. Neither Atlanta police nor Tech police were able to locate the suspects.

On June 26 at around noon, officers received a report that a person was walking around the road on North Avenue at Williams Street, soliciting rides and business. The person was arrested for soliciting drivers in a public setting and was released to the Fulton County Jail. Interestingly, two days afterwards another person was arrested for soliciting passing drivers for rides and business at the same intersection. This time the incident was reported in the evening; the offender was also arrested and transported to the Fulton County Jail.

On June 29 at approximately 2 a.m., officers arrested a man for public intoxication at the corner of Tenth Street at State Street. The suspect was obviously drunk and was found to be in possession of marijuana and drug related equipment. Officers ran a check on the offender and subsequently released him to the Fulton County Jail.
