On June 8 a silver Dodge Durango was pulled over on the intersection of Peachtree Street at North Avenue. The vehicle was waiting to make a left turn during a red light and was blocking traffic. When an officer ran a check on the driver, the vehicle turned up valid but the license was suspended. The driver had to call his boss to fetch the car and was released on copy of charges.
On June 16 an officer observed a black 2005 Acura TSX traveling on Pine Street, NW with the driver side door open. When the vehicle parked, the officer ran a check on the license plate number, which returned the vehicle as stolen in Atlanta.
A black male then got out of the vehicle and attempted to access the trunk, whereupon the officer notified dispatch and asked for backup. Two officers arrived on the scene, one of whom ordered the suspect to the ground while the other arrested him. The man was identified and transported to the Fulton County Jail, where he was released into the custody of the Sheriff’s office. The vehicle was impounded by A-Tow.
On June 20 at approximately 11:20 pm, a non-Tech student was robbed at gunpoint while walking with a Tech student on Hampton Street. The two reported that a black SUV with a busted left tail light pulled up to them and that two black males jumped out, one of whom was wearing a red bandana over his face.
This man pulled out a gun and ordered them to get on the ground. The non-Tech student did so while the Tech student continued to walk away towards campus. The suspects demanded that the non-Tech student give them his cell phone and sunglasses, whereupon he complied.
The suspects then drove away, leaving both the Tech student and the victim unharmed. Atlanta Police and Georgia Tech Police were unable to locate the offenders.