Campus Crime

Fraternity Confrontation

On Saturday, Feb. 28 at 4 p.m., police responded to Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity in reference to property damage. The officer met with a fraternity member who stated that very early in the morning the previous day, he observed Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity in a verbal altercation with other members of his fraternity.

The student also stated that he then saw the members of the other fraternity begin to trash the front yard. Tech police was immediately notified of the incident at this time, but the Pi Kappa Alpha students had left the scene before police arrived that day.

The student also described how he noticed that three air conditioning units have been tampered with and the copper pipes had been wither bent or broken off. The cost to repair these units was estimated at around $500. The student admitted that no one witnessed members of the Pi Kappa Alpha damaging the A/C units.

One Wrong Turn

On March 2 at 8 p.m., Tech police noticed a car make an illegal left turn from Cherry Street onto North Avenue. The police pulled the car over and made contact with the driver. The car’s information was run through the police database and returned not stolen and with a valid registration. However, when the passenger’s information was put through the database, his driver’s license came back suspended and a current Fulton County arrest warrant was out for a probation violation.

When the officer obtained the passenger’s license, he also noticed two half-full open containers, as well as two closed containers of Colt 45 beer on the floor in front of the passenger seat. The passenger admitted that the alcohol was his.

The passenger was transported without incident to Fulton County Jail. The driver was given a warning for the improper left turn, and the passenger was given a warning for the open alcohol containers.
