Presidential search committee begins work

The presidential search committee officially began work Aug. 11. While Provost Gary Schuster is filling in as interim institute president for former the departed G. Wayne Clough, the committee is still responsible for finding Clough’s permanent replacement.

The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG) first announced its members July 11. The committee is comprised of 20 members, which include Tech alumni, faculty, members of the Board of Regents and one student. The committee will be responsible for the national search and selection for the next president of Tech.

“I think the chancellor did an outstanding job in putting together the committee,” said Schuster, who will continute to serve as the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs during this transition period.

Of the 20 members, the presidential search committee includes eight regents and seven faculty members. In addition, Tech alumni who are serving the committee include Joe Rogers, one of the cofounders of Waffle House, and Chris Young, the chief of protocol and director of international affairs for the state of Georgia. In addition, current MBA graduate student and Tech undergraduate alumnus Darryl Richards will be representing the entire student body. Along with graduating from the College of Management in 2007, Richards is a defensive tackle on the Tech football team.

Other members are regents Willis Potts, Hugh Carter, Mansfield Jennings, Jim Jolly, Don Leebern, Elridge McMillan, Ben Tarbutton, and Richard Tucker; GTRI professor Gisele Bennett; School of Economics Professor Thomas Boston; College of Architecture professor Steven French; Dean of the College of Engineering Don Giddens; College of Engineering professor Gary May; College of Management professor Sandra Slaughter; Industrial and Systems Engineering professor Jeff Wu; Georgia Tech foundation chair Herky Harris; and Georgia Tech Alumni chair Bill Todd.

The faculty representatives and the student representative were chosen in particular through recommendations and lists from the student body, other faculty members, departments and the president’s office.

Committee members officially received instruction on Aug 11 from Board of Regents chair Richard Tucker, Potts and USG Executive Vice Chancellor Susan Herbst on search proceedings and processes. In addition, the Board of Regents has hired the firm R. William Funk and Associates from Dallas, Texas to organize potential candidates for the committee to review.

Although the exact qualities that the committee is looking for are still to be determined, Schuster offers some advice.

“The next president needs to know the culture of Georgia Tech in planning its strategy, and also needs to be efficient, effective, and organized… to be able to inspire people. The president needs to be more than a manager, but needs to be a leader… to inspire confidence and trust,” Schuster said.

“There is no market for mediocrity today. I think the next president should have that principle,” Schuster said.

Yesterday the Board of Regents sent an e-mail to students inviting them to attend hour-long open meetings, where they will be invited to offer input into the presidential search process. Graduate students may attend on September 17 from 11 a.m. and undergraduate students may attend a meeting at 2 p.m, and both are located in the Student Center theater.

“Your commitment to Tech is critical, and we want to ensure all voices are heard,” stated the e-mail.
