Clough Steps Down from President

In a campus-wide e-mail sent to students on Saturday, March 16, the first day of Spring Break, Institute President Wayne Clough announced that he will be stepping down from his post, effective July 1, in order to become the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, the museum’s top position. Clough has been Tech’s president since September of 1994 and is the first Tech alumnus to hold the position.

Candidates for Clough’s replacement are not known at this time. Keep tuning into for more breaking information relating to these events. The Technique will provide full coverage in our next issue on March 28.

The original text of Clough’s email is as follows:

Dear Colleagues and Students,

It is with mixed emotions that I announce to the campus community that I will be stepping down as president of Georgia Tech as of July 1, 2008. After a rich and rewarding tenure as president, I am privileged to have one more remarkable opportunity and will serve as the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. The Smithsonian is one of our great national assets serving as a showcase of national history, the arts and the sciences. For Anne and me, this new post presents many opportunities and challenges, but we will always celebrate our lives at Georgia Tech.

It has been my honor to serve as president of Georgia Tech for nearly fourteen years. My life was enriched by my association with the great students, faculty, staff and alumni of the Institute. We will miss each of you from the bottom of our hearts.

Within the next few weeks and months as we make plans to start a new life, we will have opportunities to say farewell to our friends. Unfortunately, I will not have the chance to thank each of you individually for your support, so let me do so now. It has been an honor to lead my alma mater, and I could not have done it without the talents of every member of the Georgia Tech family. Thank you for your hard work, dedication to excellence, and your loyalty to Georgia Tech.

Wayne Clough

President, Georgia Institute of Technology
