News Briefs

News Briefs

Women’s self-defense class offered at Tech

The Georgia Tech Police Department will offer an hour-long self defense class for women on Feb. 23, 2008 at 4 p.m. The Rape Awareness Defense system focuses on awareness, prevention and risk reduction/avoidance and moves on to basic hands-on defense training. Those who are interested should RSVP by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

USA Today editor to speak on campus

Ken Paulson, editor and senior vice president of news at USA Today, will speak at the Ferst Center for the Arts on Feb. 20, 2008. His speech will be titled “Rebooting America: News for a New Generation”. Free tickets are available for students, faculty, and staff with Buzzcard at the Student Center Box Office.

Tech gets community service honor

On Feb. 11, Tech was named to the 2007 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. Launched in 2006, the list recognizes schools that “support innovative, effective, and exemplary community service programs.”
