GTMN starts new year right with “Jazz Night”

The night’s headliners, Mooncastle, take the stage at Jazz Night. Mooncastle described their genre as “space music,” preferring not to limit themselves to terrestrial genres. Space music is loud and funky, but still cohesive. // Photo by Caitlyn Chapman, Student Publications

Opening up a new semester calls for a celebration. The Georgia Tech Musician’s Network (GTMN) thought so, at least. On Friday, Jan. 17, students gathered in the Cypress Theatre on the bottom floor of the student center to celebrate the Musician’s Network’s first event of the year, Jazz Night. 

The evening consisted of four different captivating sets, all comprised of Tech undergrads, graduate students and even some alumni who were passionate enough about this organization that they wanted to kick off the new semester with them. Similar to the event “Couchella” held earlier in the school year, many students, friends, and families came to the free event in support of GTMN’s mission: encouraging community.

The Cypress Theatre housed those in attendance from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Friday, but students did not have to be inside the theatre to enjoy the music. Strong baselines and alto saxophones were heard gracing the corridors of the John Lewis Student Center, drawing more and more people to the event. 

Attendees danced, swayed and bounced their heads in rhythm, and engaged with the results of the hard work that the devoted students had put into these projects and this organization. The work wasn’t just done by those who performed but by those behind the scenes as well. Setting up an event like this feat that should not go unnoticed.

First on the lineup of the evening was the powerhouse “jazzhop” group “Mack Collective.” This group made their debut in 2024, playing events like “Fright Fest” in Home Park, where they began to get their name out into the world by playing popular covers and a few of their own original tracks. Jazz Night was their GTMN debut, and they quickly became a fan favorite. They can be found on Instagram @mack_collective.

Next, the night held a performance by “Sporadica,” a genre-bending jam band that knows how to keep an audience on their toes with their sporadic nature, hence the clever name. The band utilized bass, guitars, keys, drums and a saxophone to create their sound. The Technique was able to chat with the six members of Sporadica and gain some insight into the event and what a student’s life looks like as a member of GTMN.

Each member of the band has been a member of GTMN throughout their whole education at Tech.

Members Luca Bardelli, second-year ME (bass), and Jose Vidaurre, M.S. BUSA(guitar), are both transfers from other schools, in-state and out-of-state, respectively. They both said that their previous schools did not offer any programs comparable to GTMN. It made them realize how important it was to have a place like this where they could meet others with the same passions and love for music as them. Finding a solid community such as this is what drew them in to see what GTMN had to offer. 

The band has an Instagram page, @sporadica_atl, that makes it easy to keep up with them.

After them came a neo-soul group made up of Georgia Tech alumni called “Solar Plexus Super Punch.” Differing from the other groups, this band used a violin as a part of their composure. Its melodic sound blended nicely with the acoustic guitar and fretless bass that accompanied it throughout the set. 

Solar Plexus Super Punch is a GTMN favorite, so the organization was more than thrilled to have them back playing an event to kick off the semester. Their Instagram page can be found at @solarplexussuperpunch.

Making their official debut as a group since winning the recent New Bands competition, Mooncastle, Jazz Night’s headliners, finished the night with storytelling songs and upbeat instrumentals. The 11-piece band describes themselves as “space music,” not wanting to limit themselves to the typical worldly genre. 

Space music is loud and funky, but still cohesive. Mooncastle can be found on Instagram at @_mooncastle_, and they will be playing next Sunday, Jan. 26, at 4 p.m. at the Ferst Center as a part of a new showcase event called “Ferst Impressions.” They will be opening for another group called Joe Gransden & His Big Band.

Ferst Impressions will celebrate the launch of a new chapter in the Tech Arts book. Joe Gransden & His Big Band are known for their professional jazz musicianship as well as, for some of them, their place among the Tech staff of the School of Music. This era invites opportunities for students to connect with professionals in the arts and play alongside them. Tickets to Ferst Impressions can be purchased through
