Tips & Tricks: Standing out at the Career Fair

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While college is a time for new beginnings and for students to explore who they are, ultimately, it is a way to prepare oneself for the future, especially their future career. All their credit hours and classwork make students the most prepared they can be to start their careers; however, internships and Co-ops are another central part of preparing for the workforce and are a great introduction to the professional world.

Incoming first-year years get their first introduction to the professional world at the Fall All-Majors Career Fair. The event is a significant highlight of the year, sparking a mixture of excitement and nerves in students.

Many students have questions and concerns about coming to the career fair and are not sure where to find the answers. What should I wear? What should I bring? Who should I talk to?  How should I talk to recruiters? All of these worries can become quite overwhelming. Luckily for these students, answers to all these questions are readily available.

The All Majors Career Fair will be taking place on Sept. 9 and 10 in the Campus Recreation Center (CRC). Students should note that no backpacks are allowed inside the event, so be sure to drop them off at the Exhibition Hall before heading to the CRC. The dress code for the event is business professional which calls for blazers for both men and women.

The biggest concern students bring to career fairs is standing out in a sea of students. It can be incredibly nerve-wracking going to the All Majors Georgia Tech Career Fair or even the major-specific fairs, knowing that thousands of other students also attend and are looking for jobs. Recruiters talk to dozens, if not hundreds, of students each day, so how does someone make themselves stand out enough to be memorable to recruiters once the event is over?

Making yourself memorable starts before the career fair begins. Any good career fair visit begins with research. Research what companies are going to be attending on CareerBuzz and which ones you might be interested in. It’s even better if you can find specifics about the recruiters coming to the Institute. Research what the companies do and recent news about their specific projects or ventures, and remember to take notes on each one.

To stand out, the best thing to do is to be prepared for the event and organized during it. At the career fair, feel confident to approach these large corporations in attendance, but do not be afraid to go after some lesser-known companies, too. When talking with recruiters, express your interests by including some of the research you did beforehand. 

Ask specific questions about their work and make it evident that you are listening to the recruiters’ responses. Remember never to leave a conversation without a polite goodbye and leaving a contact, such as a business card or resume. After the event, do not be afraid to follow up with recruiters or send a thank you note. For companies that you are interested in, follow the recruiter’s instructions for applying to a position. Showing continued interest is very important to making a positive impression.

Recruiters remember faces and conversations rather than resumes. Students should see if companies they visited at the All-Majors Career Fair will also be attending any individual major career fairs. Companies and recruiters host events on-campus throughout the entire year, and repeated visits show interest and foresight to recruiting teams. These types of events are especially useful because they occur in a smaller environment where students have more one-on-one time with recruiters. 

The All Majors Career Fair is a great way for students to start their journey into the professional world. For those who are nervous, take a deep breath, prepare well and be confident. If you want advice directly from the Institute, the Career Center has created a presentation with advice, talking points and resume tips, which can be found on the career center website. 

Students can also submit their resume for the career fair on CareerBuzz. For any other questions about the career fair, students should visit or reach out to [email protected].
